Monday, July 21, 2008

Birthday Cake: Doll - July 2008

Again on Sunday, late in the evening, i sat to make a birthday cake for my friend's daughter, who was turning two years old on Monday. The party theme was white and pink colours and this is what i came up with. I did not do more floral natural decorations and bought a doll from a supermarket and covered it fondant floral dress with a pink hat and an array of flowers and butterflies around her. The two-layer cakes were of strawberry flavour. In last four days, i made three different cakes of different themes and sizes and feel that the journey of sugarcraft is quite interesting and challenging but its worth the travel !


  1. Anamika, thank you for visiting my site and for your very nice comments! Just browsed through your cakes and your work is gorgeous! Your gold flowers are breathtaking and your spiderman would make any little boy so happy!

  2. R u baking on everyday basis... Look like u re enjoying challenging job. This one is very cute, i liked a lot :)

  3. Very cute doll cake Anamika :-) Any little girl would love to have such a cake.

    Nicely done!!


  4. Anamika this is soo pretty!! Love it! Gloria

  5. Anamika, you are The True Master Artist!
    So beautiful, so lovely!

    I enjoyed my time being here!
    Thank you so much!

  6. I am fairly new to Blogging and I'm interested in Aftica because I once lived there, in Zimbabwe and in SA, although I'm English by birth. I was just browsing through African Blogs and I came upon your gorgeous creations! I'm incapable of doing anything remotely like your work. Surely people can't bear to eat the cakes!!!I, too, thought the shirt cake was stupendous.

    My Blog is very different although also creative. Try it....


  7. This is such a beautiful cake! Perfect for a little girl.

  8. davvero molto bella, complimenti!!!

  9. You need to have your own TV show like Ace of Cakes!

  10. There couldn't be a more perfect cake for a 2 year old girl! How sweet!

  11. What a beautiful cake and Happy Birthday to your daughter.


  12. Animika,
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I'm so glad you did, because now I've found yours! I am utterly amazed at the awesome talent you have! Your cakes are so beautifully done and professional-looking! I am merely a beginner and have a long way to go to get to where you are. Your flowers in particular are what I want to make. Hope you post some how-to pictures in the future!

  13. I would've loved this cake when I was a little girl. Who am I kidding? I'd love it now!!!!!
    Great job!

  14. hi soni, your fondant and sugar work is fantastic! This cake is absolutely gorgeous!

  15. You are SUPER talented. I totally <3 the Powerpuff girls cake!! I'm looking fwd to more posts! XOXO..

  16. Wow, your cakes are just too good to be eaten ! I've always dreaming of laying my hands on sugar craft. Each time I visit a baking supply store, I'll be drooling over those fondant tools ! I've tried making sugar paste once last Xmas, for my cookies, took hubby & I 4 hours just to knead, colour, cut out & decorate, that was tough !

  17. Thank you so much for visiting my blog andleaving a comment.
    But I am in your shadow.
    YOU are a TRUE ARTIST. Fab cakes and lovely blog
    10 gold stars to you.

  18. What an absolute cutie this cake is! So very pretty. The detailing on the cake is fabulous.

  19. Hi This is my first visit to your blog,you are incredibly talented and all your cakes look delicious,the shirt below was awesome.I would not have the heart to cut these cakes for sure :)

  20. Amanika, thank you for visiting my sweet site and for your comments so lovely. Your cakes very, very beautiful. You are great artist. Best and whises. The "leche merengada" is a drink typical summer in Spain.

  21. Your work is amazing. You must have made that little girl very happy.

  22. Soni,
    I am speechless...
    I scrolled down page after pages. They are gorgeous! Btw, would love to visit Botswana one day. My husband's cousin's wife was originally from Botswana. She said it's gorgeous! Yes, I want to visit Okavanggo for sure!
    Thank you for visiting my site!

  23. This is so cute. I have a collection of dolls myself, so I wouldn't mind having a cake like this for my birthday. Lovely work!

  24. São tão belos! Como sempre...

  25. WOW...such a sweet gesture dear! I wish the best on the birthday of your friend's daughter.
    You are really great soul

  26. Aww, she's so pretty - this is what I want for my birthday!

  27. This is an incredibly beautiful cake! Anamika,I have something for you at my blog...plz check:)

  28. So cute and so sweet! you are so thoughtful. My niece who is a professional chef is going to visit your site tonight. We were talking about cake decorating and I said I had a blog friend in Botswana who makes beautiful cake creations!

  29. She is so adorable and the cake an absolutely treat to the eyes,not to mention tantalizing!

    Have a lovely weekend :)

  30. I loved the shirt cake !

    The tie specially was marvellous Soni !!!

    Reminds me of the marble sculptures I have seen in museums till date, you kno wthe kinds where you look atthe lil intricacies come alive by a pair of hands !

    Amazing work !

    You should post more often. N btw Fountainhead isnt on my list cz I havent read it actually - though yes, its touted as an architects bible !!

    I hope to get around readin it soon though.

  31. x-(

    This is a most tempting sight (/site). As soon as I arrived here, my salivary glands began overworking. My stomach began rumbling, and my mind wandered of to fantasies of sugary delight!

    Now I want a cake. :(

  32. hi erika
    thanks for passing by and acknowledging my comment.. you have such a nice unique collection of cakes...waiting for your new creation !

  33. hi cham
    oh, those 4 days just paased so quickly and were so eventful that i took a sigh only on 5th, sometimes when i am free i go on that spree....thansk for your comment.

  34. dear krystyna
    thank you for your words..i am humbled !

  35. dear brenda (rinkly rimes)
    i feel honoured that you passed by my blog and i discovered wonderful posts of yours. The new post on 'Mix Me a Melodrama' aka is called RECIPE FOR REVENGE' made good reading.

  36. dear jose
    thank you for passing by my blog...
    i made new discovery for picking up new ideas from your blog.

  37. hi cynthia
    i feel humbled..its a long journey, you know..miles to go, miles to go.....

  38. dear cherub (lesley)
    thanks for passing by my blog...

  39. hi cakebrain
    thank you for your words and for passing by...will try to post how-to in near future ! Am still learning, you know..loved your post on hazelnuts.

  40. hey caked crusader
    thank you for your comment and loved your post on pedro, napolean and the cake...

  41. hi ms
    thanks for passing by my blog and leaving such encouraging words.i loved your blog and your post on mini chocolate chiffon celebration cake is good..nice cake and nice pictures.

  42. hi cakewardrobe
    thank you for acknowledging my comment and your words..i can pick more thoughts from you posts.

  43. hi ganache-ganache
    thank you for passing by and your words..yes you can make cakes..and i am sure you will pick them next time, when you pass by the shop and try again..would love to see that post.

  44. hi sally
    thanks you for passing by and leaving such wonderful words..i am humbled....hey, it is all matter of will excel in no time...i passed by your blog and loved your marble eggs.

  45. hi usha
    thanks for passing by my blog and for your comment..loved your post on banana bites.

  46. thanks tartasacher
    for your comment and making ma ware of an interesting fact that "leche merengada" is a summer drink in Spain.

  47. hi penny
    thanks for passing by and for your commnets !

  48. hi elra
    thanks for passing by my blog and leaving your comment....yes botswana is a nice country to visit. Had chance to vist your blog and loved your new post on caramel pudding..nice !

  49. hi jerri thank you for your lovely comment..hey, by the way when is your birthday ? simply loved you mexican chicken post.

  50. hi dawn
    thanks for your comment.
    really loved your new quotes.

  51. dear cakelaw
    thanks for your tell me when is your birthday ?
    Loved you puff pastries.

  52. hi indranee
    thanks for the comment and thanks for the genie, too !

  53. hi anna
    thanks you for your commnet and suggesting your niece to look at my blog..i can seek some advices from her on matters of improvement.

  54. hi cindrella
    thank you for acknowledgng my comment..your words have deeper meaning and i love the way you write...

  55. hi ivy
    thank you for your comment and i simply loved your "Makaronia me kima".

  56. Nice blog you got here. It would be great to read a bit more about that topic. Thank you for posting that material.
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  57. hi anamika ..
    i really liked this doll cake of urs.. for my daughter's first b'day occassion.. i wanted some more info regarding this.. cud u please leave ur contact details on my id..
    i need it for 13th feb and still unable to get across millions of cakes on the the net except urs....
    but cud not locate ur contact details..
    wanted to know about delivery possibilities to NJ..
    will wait eagerly for ur response


Your every message, thought or an idea makes me wiser on my sugar trail for perfection !