I looked for inspirations to conjure a theme for the cake. I thought of the powerpuff girls, who will wake up at midnight, place a cake on a table on their bed, stand on a pillow and sing the birthday song for her. And this is what i could make, using marzipan and fondant on a madeira cake. An attempt to bring joy on the face of the little girl and match her imagination with my brave ability.
Our office opened after the Chiristmas holidays, before the birthday (6 January 2007) and I was caught up with new year plans, meetings etc. Considering me as a learner, please overlook the imperfections and the finesse. I was short of time, had just one and half day and it has been raining in Francistown.
As for my little darling, her gleeful smile said it all !
I would also like to offer COMPLIMENTS FOR NEW YEAR to everyone and a big 'THANK YOU' to all who visited my blog and accepted me as 'The Sugarcrafter'. Your comments and words means a lot and I know the worth of my everincreasing 'circle of inspirations'. In retrospective, 2007 has been a happy year...I passed my first year of MBA, tried to make wedding cakes, anniversary cakes, engagement cakes, birthday cakes, experimented with different techniques of cake decoration and look forward to the new year with you all around to critique me.
Among several e-mails that i received for the new year, here's few i liked:
'Everybody sees how you seem, however, only some know who you are'
'Perhaps God would want you to become acquainted with many different people in the course of your life, so that when you meet the right ones,
you can appreciate and be grateful for them'
What can i say. I went through your entire site. I love cake decorating and baking as well, but have not ventured like you do. the max i have done is elmo and cars cakes :). Fantastic, i am sure you must be taking professional cake orders. Fantastic work, and does not seem like a beginner at all. I am totally awed.
Beautiful cake! I love the attention to detail - especially the bedside tables with little lamps on them. So cute!
This is another stunning cake! One very lucky girl is going to enjoy this that I know for sure!! You sure do have talent and lots of patience to create such wonderful cakes :)
Rosie x
wow! now if i lived near your place..i would have begged you for lessons!! great job :)
Wow...thats so cute. Loved it.
Btw...is it possible for you to give some directions abt starting sugar crafting. I am all interested in it after looking at your pictures. Thanks a lot.
Wow Anamika! what a beautiful blog you have! Love the cake.
Wow!! What a beautiful blog you have. I also recently started cake deco but have not gone beyond character pan cake. Yours are fantastic.
I bet the girl who got this is deliriously happy!! Looks great Anamika. Good job!:))
Beautiful,,,marvellous cake...i was totally fell in love with all your superb creativeness.
Thanks for visiting my blog which created path to visit yours..and enjoy your wonderful work...
WOW u are really amazing!!!!the cakes in ur blog are awesome!!Great work anamika!!
thanku for visiting my site .if not i
couldn't know about your art.thanku very much!!I became a fan of urs.i also like to make the art on the cake.but i am not this much professional!! these all cakes looks just a professional way.
Anamika, this cake is amazing, María Esperanza (my daughter) loved sooo the Powerpuff Girls, so lovely they look!!!I admire your patience, this is so nice for a little girl!!! xxxxGloria
Anamika, this cake is amazing, María Esperanza (my daughter) loved sooo the Powerpuff Girls, so lovely they look!!!I admire your patience, this is so nice for a little girl!!! xxxxGloria
THat girl must be mighty pleased!!:) Love the folds on the bed and the entire arrangement. You're too good!
I am yet to venture into decorating cakes! Just started with trying varieties...But when i start I know where to come! Ur skills are amazing!
Have bookmarked ur site..Thanks for dropping by mine and leaving such a wonderful comment :)
Anamika, ur imagination and creation is absolutely wonderful....none here has any doubts on its finesse..absolutely a great piece of sugar art :)
Wishing you a wonderful 2008 :)
hi sony..yet another Nice creation!..hats off dude!
Wish you were next door. I can learn this beautiful art. I did take fondant classes, but I totally disliked its taste. And my attempt to make at home was a complete disaster. You have done a beautiful job, Anamika. I am mesmerised by the bed folds.
o my goodness no words to say lovely cake
Hi Archana
Thank you for your comment.I know that cooking is your meditation mantra, so why dont you take step further and experiment with marzipan and fondant. You will love it. You are in Bangalore and there are some institutions there, such as Institute of Baking & Cake Art, email: ibcablr@yahoo.com, http://www.ibcablr.com/ ;Sabiya, ph:080-5547060/5700742 Tanya School of Arts ;Manju http://www.bangalore-cooking-class.com/
Just take stroll there and who knows, you will get an inspiration to do more. Well, i have not yet ventured as a full-time professional,as office and academic studies are a priority at this moment.I said,as a beginner, because, you will see, as you progress,perfection shifts further.Thanks for visiting.
Hi Cake Crusader
Thanks for your comment and i know you love the attention to detail. How many cake tins have you collected so far ? Do post pictures of some of them on your blog.
Have wonderful days ahead.
Dear Rosie
Thank you again for your words. As you know, for loved ones, you want to do anything,isnt it ? Congratulations for receiving the lovely gifts for being a winner of Hotel Chocolate.They are lovely, indeed.
Hi Rajitha, thank you for visiting me. Yes,if were near each other, we would have definitley shared whatever we know.
Hey,as you stay in US,why dont you just go for a window shopping to a WILTON shop. Tell me, what happend then !
Hi shilpa
Thank you.You have such a wonderful blog that i always admire and love the name,for you have dedicated it to your mother.I am happy that my cakes are able to awaken the other creative ability that lies within everyone. No problem dear,I will love to share whatever i have done till far.I also started by reading books and experimenting with marzipan and fondant. Sugarcraft is a process, just like cooking anything else. What do you want to start with ? Do send me a mail, so that we can converse on, for example - equipments, books, ingredients etc. My e-mail id is: anamikasoni473@gmail.com
Have wonderful days ahead.
Hi Daily Meal
Thanks for visting me. When I visited your blog, i said 'yummy' as we had made palak paneer and vegetable pulao during new year celebrations.
Do pass by, when you can.
Dear Ling
First of all, thank you for visting me. Its your humility thats makes you say so.I have been to your blog and am impressed by your work. As you know, sugarcraft is a process and you have already started, so I know you will move pretty fast beyond character pans, as everyone with a passion.Try experimenting with marzipan and fondant,just like clay modelling.You will love the feel of creativity.
Thanks for the info about the schools in bangalore. I am hoping i find enough time to actually take a class at the most, with 2 small kids by my side. While i was in France, did go to Ecole Lenotre for a stink in patisseri making. It was a great experience. But it was not the kind you are doing, more on desserts and pastries. It would be great to know the books and equipments you use. Thanks for sharing.
I visited the 2 links you gave me, thank you for sharing. I did not realise bangalore would have anything like this, as i was planning on starting a cooking-event school similar to them.
Hi asha
Thanks for the words.Yes,the girl- krishna was very happy. In fact,I have seen her growing from cradle to walking to pre-school and her sweet innocent smile was worth,to look forward to.
Have wonderful days ahead with more and more blogging.
Hi Usha
Its the way,the blog world works and unites the everincreasing circle of similarity.
Thanks for visiting me and i hope to see more of your content. Why have you stopped on 13 December 2007 ?
Dear Swapna
Thank you for visiting me.I think the taste and aroma from your kitchen, especially of the mysore pak, will linger on.
Have wonderful days ahead
Dear Gloria
Thank you comment,especially,as it comes from your daughter Maria Esperanza.I wish her years of loveliness and feel happy that she liked it.Had I been in Chile,I would have made a birthday cake for her, too.
Have wonderful days ahead.
Dear Jyothsna
Thank you for liking the cake.
Do post the pictures and a write-up of the event 'Regional Cuisines of Kerala'.
I also sometimes wonder'eat to live or live to eat'
Hi Dhivya
Thank you for visiting and let me say "yahoo" for the spicy pav bhaji. It must be yummy and i can smell the delectable aroma.
Hey Divya, as i said to Rajitha, take a stroll to WILton,i know you will pick up ideas. Anytime,you need to ask me,just do so. Take a step further from trying varieties,you will enjoy the journey.
Dear Mishmash
Thank you and i loved your cute baby booties and forget-me-not flower arrangement.
Hey,thanks for the words and have wonder days ahead.
Hi chithra
thanks for visiting me and tagging me. Hey, when is your new recipe coming out for Janury 2008 ?
Have wonderful days ahead.
Hi suganya
Thank you for your words.Think of sugarcraft as clay modelling and play around with it. You will love it and awaken your inner creativity. No disasters,I promise.
Hi sagari
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving lovely words.
have happy days ahead.
New year wishes to you and your family!
Thanks for dropping by at my blog that led me to yours..you have a wonderful space here..I so want to learn sugarcraft!! All your creatons are lovely!
Hi Anamika
Amazing stuff..you should come sometimes come to India to give demonstratuions of your cake art.I will arrange everything for you at Delhi. The powerpuff gilrls enthralled my younger sisters.
Hi Soni, if i may call you !
What is your age ? You appear to have become favouirite among us food lovers. I agree with Meghna. You must come to Delhi to show us how to make such wonderful cakes.
Happy New Year.
We want to see more of your creations.
Hi Anamika
A very happy new year and what a wonderful gift for the birthday girl.The powerpuff girls and the entire arrangement looks so lovely.
Hi Anamika
I fully agree with Sagarika Di.
You are truly an artist. The birthday cake with Powerpuff Girls theme is simply beautiful.
Dear Meghna and Neha
Thank you so much for wonderful comments.I will certainly contact you both, if i come to Delhi. Well, I will be 35 this year and have a son of 10 years. Well, as and when time will be on my side, i will make cakes and post them. Have a nice 2008.
Hi Archana
You must still start the school, that you have envisioned.In India, there is always room for the niche market.
All the best to you.
Dear Rachel
Thanks for visiting the blog and for your comment. You must learn sugarcraft.Its a very satisfying experience. Start by playing around with clay modelling stuff and then work on fondant and marzipan. Do yourself first to have the feel, you will be amazed at your own skills.
Dear Sagarika and Priti
Thank you so much.
Have a wonderful New Year.
Hi Anamika
Loved the cake you have made. The powerpuff girls,the bed,the lamps and carpet looks so realistic. I also liked your theme. Can you teach me and i would like to be your student !
Priya Tandon
Soni..its a beautiful theme that you hv sculpted out there!My daughter who is 3 has started loving what she calls 'Hour Phuff' gals a lot! N can't see any flaws there! Its an awesome cake!! Tks for stopping by fantasycook. Hv a great week!
Hi Anamika
Happy New Year and congratulations. You seem to progress well as a sugarcrafter. The powerpuff girls cake is good.
P Steyn
Hi Anamika
Good show! Simply loved it.
C Town
Nice work again !
Mrs. Mcleod
Hi Anamika
Nice to see such a creation after the holidays. Happy New Year, dear !
Jane Du Toit
How wonderful your cake creations are. All sugarcrafters must look at your site with envy.
Your cakes are much too good to cut!
I will add you to my site as a link.
Dear Priya
Thank you for the comment.
Well, I can always let you know what i know till now but please do not call yourself a student. In the creative world, there is no relationship as of a teacher and a student. Everyone is creative and talented.Its just that I started a little earler than you will start..
Well, the term 'student' is academic and best suited for academic institutions. I am learning from books and by experimentations. Sugarcraft is a proces, just like making curry or roti.It depends on you to add flavour to it. No person can teach other to be creative but just pass on the craft technique, isnt it.
Have wonder years ahead !
Hi Purnima
Thank you for your comment.I liked you daughter's words 'Hour Phuff' gals.I think i should have named the post, as what the b'day girl would have called it. Nice idea!
Dear Jacquline,Mrs. McLeod,Jane and P Steyn
Welcome back from a well-deserved holidays. I know South Africa goes for a month long holidays.
Thank you all for the comments.
Its nice being appreciated and gives me boost to venture further.
Happy New Year to all of you.
Anamika...yr blog took my breadth away! What a beautiful cake..Powered to perfection! ucky little Krishna. You've inspired me to try and get to learn sugarcrafting...what is it all about? I am totall intrigued! Thanks a TON for dropping by my blog!! LOL
Dear Margaret
Thank you for your words and your humility to tag me.
Someone,once said laughingly 'the look of the food should also be good'. Well, here i am trying to bring joy on the faces of the food lovers.
Dear Shilpa, Archana, Priya and Passionate Baker
Some of the books which i use and are very friendly (enable you to do yourself)
1.The International School of Sugarcraft Books 1,2 & 3
2.Sugar Roses for Cakes - Tomby Peck et al
3.Sugarcraft Flowers - Claire Webb
4.Sugar Orchids for Cakes - Alan Dunn et al
I have several other books but these will help to begin. Search for 'sugarcraft books' on Google and you will find several of them on Amazon etc.
For sugarcraft equipments, you can browse for fmmsugarcraft,UK; CelCakes & CelCrafts,UK etc.There are several companies including Surbiton etc.
Get some tools,one book, marzipan(recipe on net),fondant (recipe on net), glaze etc and you can begin.
I will post pictures of tools, process etc in one of the posts.
I am leaving the 60th comment here :)
Can anyone suggest the way how to slice the cake without damaging the powerpuff gals or that beutiful bed spread...those teeny weeny creatures,flowers etc?? :)
This is absolutely wonderful! I'm sure the look on the little girl's face touched your heart. You are very talented. Nice job and keep up the good work.
BTW: Thanks for stopping by my blog recently.
You make such amazing cakes! I am in awe. If you ever find gnome cake toppers for a wedding cake, would you let me know? My daughter is getting married in June and we can't find them anywhere.
Dear Bharathy
Thanks for your words. When i read your comment, I made me smile, tough question, eh ! Well, thats how life is, isnt it. Let the beauty linger on taste too ! If you dont cut it, how would you know its beautiful within, too !!!
What appears to be good outside must be beautiful within too, and then you would cherish it,forever !
Dear Petula
Thanks for visiting me. The sweet innocent smile did create a rainbow in my heart.
Visit to your blog was a wonderful experience to learn more.
Dear Lynn
Thank you for visiting me.I live in Botswana, where it is difficult to get cake decorating items. I have to get them from South Africa, UK or USA.
I tried to browse and here are some links. May be it will help you: http://www.justcaketoppers.com/Birthday_Cake_Toppers/Over_The_Hill/On_Strike_Sleeping_Gnome.htm
Hi Anamika
Just opened the blog site today and impressed by your newer creation..the powerpuff girls are amazing. Whenever you come to India, i would like to learn few techniques from you.
Hi Anamika
Loved your new creation..i will certainly try to copy and make it for my younger sister !
Minal Fernandes
Thank Vasudha and Minal
Thank you for your words.
Off course,when i come to India, i will certainly let you know what i know till now. Minal dear,i know you will make even more wonderful cake.
Have a nice 2008 !
Wow, looks like you've got a number of perfect cakes here. Loved the African themed one.
Thanks for stopping by my place! Glad you like the gingerbread house.
Happy New Year.
Hi Anamika! Wow, awesome, beautiful are just some of the words to describe your work. You are amazingly talented. It's a pity I don't live nearby or I'd have all my cakes ordered from you :)
Thanks for visiting my blog and helping me to discover yours. I'll definitely be back for more!
I'm so envious of your amazing ability to work with sugar! Well done!
Anamika, the cake looks too good to eat! Fabulous details.
I like the name 'my kitchen in half cups'.Thanks for visiting me.Your blog offers new insight into many things. The oatmeal potato bread is worth trying.
I will try to make more cakes during 2008.
Hi cynthia
Being a journalist must be keeping you very busy.I love to see that you always update your blog regularly and place interesting information for consumption.Your (blog + editorial = blogtorial)has worth for every food lover. Thanks for sharing.
And, oh yes...would have gladly made cakes for you, anytime.
Hi Brilynn
Thanks for visiting.
Makes me happy to know you liked my cakes. Hey, you LOVE to cook, photograph, eat and write about food, so why worry about profitability. Your blog content is good, so just Go BIG.
Hi evolving taste
Thanks for your comment. Will try to play more with the power of the sugar !
Nice blog you have!!Love 'em all!!
wow, its my first time here, and I am so overwhelmed by yourintricate work!! you have a gift Anamika:) brilliant..wish I could be 1/4th as good as you are:)
Keep up the good work!
Rightly said,girl!!..
I appreciate your words to me here!!:)
Hi Anu
Thanks for visiting and for words of appreciation. Will try to keep up to the expectations of the blogging world, from where i draw inspitation !
Hi Anamika
Just want a friendly advice. Your sugarcraft has has so many range, that i have also decided to learn cake decoration. I want to enroll for a course at IBCA or learn at Tanya in Bangalore.You have written that one may start from reading books. Should i enroll first or start practicing myself first ?
Hi Mansi
Thanks for visiting me and leaving such wonderful words. Hey, you know sugarcraft is such a thing, where there is no measure, girl ! Once you are aware of the techniques, process, tools etc, then its you and your creativity, which everyone has. And then its just practice, practice and practice. Its not a complicated mathematical formulae, you know.
BTW:I am unable to go to your blog site, i would love to visit yours, if you have.
Hi Sudha
Thanks for visiting me. I loved the name of your blog and I also love the advert 'powerless cooking'. The pictures of your recipe are tempting.
Have nice days ahead.
Hi Minal
What i have felt is that sugarcraft is not rocket science, where you must or have to enroll to know. The books are very friendly and will guide you to start. Once you have started, made few cakes and practiced, you will start to have the feel of it. You will know about the ingredients, tools, techniques etc. After that, if you attend or join the classes, you will appreciate it more or how things can be made in another way, learn few tricks etc. After all, its part of cookery - which we do at home everyday, without having acquired any formal qualification on cooking but yes,enhancement of the skill can be done by attending classes etc.
wow. you have some beautiful cakes on this site! well done!
Thanks jerri
I try.
wonderful creation again anamika. ur attention to detail is very much shown here...
Wow, Anamika! Thanks for stopping by, and thereby leading me to this lovely site of yours! I am blown away by your decorating! Wish you were in my neighborhood so I can glean some tips and lessons from you - but, like other equally awed visitors have said - perhaps you could offer a few posts on and off about the basics of sugar crafting for novices like me :)
Hi Sia
Your comments helps to rise. I liked your kidney beans and chawaal !
Hi sheela
i really loved your blog and all the stories..it makes one nostalgic. Thanks for your comment and i do wish we were in the neighbourhood so that we could exchange ideas and thoughts. Will surely post in future. Hey, why dont get one of the sugarcraft books and try your hand on making something for the little angel.
What an amazing place!
What a talent you have, Soni!
Thanks for sharing your Beautiful Art!
Hi.. lovely blog with lovely cake decorating.. i was stund looking through ur blog.. amamzing sugar crafts.. nice job.. no words to explain how nice ur cakes looks.. :) !!
Hi Krystyna
Thanks a lot..i draw inspirations from your blogotorial (blog + editorial).
Hi Archana
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving encouraging words.
A very nice recipe of Mango Mousse....well its summer time here in Botswana and with mangoes around, i think i will certainly make the dessert on one of the evenings.
Hey Anamika, Had a lot to catch up on ur blog from the last time that I saw..Everything looks so great and fabulous..Actually, i'm speechless. I just can't seem to get myself to start with decorating any cake, some kind of fear I guess :)..Great job with the Powerpuff girls and the cute little bed..
Hi Maya
You are such a wonderful culinary expert..I cannot hear such words like 'some kind of fear I guess :)' coming from you. Just try the road less travelled and you will love it. Its just the first step and after that, its just matter knowing once and off shall you go on a roller coaster ride of sugarcraft. Do it for your self and you will love it. And i am going to try the spice cake, for sure !
Wow!! That cake looks excellent. Incredible work on the smallest details. Very nicely done.
Thank you Anitha for leaving your comment. Your tinkerbell cake looks good and must have been relished by the little angels !
Thanks again for stopping by..
Firs time to your blog - I do not think you are much of a beginner, your sugar work is fantastic. I made a meringue cake for my children's birthday last year and everyone just gobbled it up. Good luck on all your ventures for 2008
Hi Nina
Love your blogotorial and enjoy reading it. Thanks for stopping by...
See you sometimes in Cape Town.
Cheers !
u are so talented!!! i am speechless. thank you so much for dropping by my cooking blog :)
Hi Nags
Thanks for reciprocation and leaving encouraging words for me.
Nice blog!
Thats the word i can occur , i love baking simple tea cakes but this is sooo good!!! and you are so good at it.
i would love to try something like this sometime (not that i can be so good ) where did you learn this art?
You are a real inspiration
Wow this is amazing !!!! Bye Lisa from http://ricettedafairyskull.myblog.it/
Thanks to you !!! See you soon Lisa !!! http://ricettedafairyskull.myblog.it/
Beautiful cake! I love the attention to detail - especially the bedside tables with little lamps on them. So cute!
Work from home India
Nice Cake!
Chota Bheem Cakes
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