Sunday, August 14, 2011

Celebrating Four Years of Blogging 14 August 2011 : F1 Racing Car Cake

As time goes by, remembrance of my first blog space comes to mind. The sugarcraft journey still continues and as one learns more, there is so much more to learn. I took this cake as a challenge which i could have done much better but i learned how to do better next time.


  1. Congratulations! I really can't believe that's a cake, it looks like a model!

  2. Oh my..the cakes are lovely. Very nicely done. I am only a beginner. Learnt to make chocolate cake few months back. Good job! My blog though is not about food only. its about everything my mind can lay its hands on.


Your every message, thought or an idea makes me wiser on my sugar trail for perfection !