Cynthia http://www.tasteslikehome.org/ is celebrating her birthday today i.e. 27 June 2008 and i thought....let me be part of her celebrations ! I know her as an "embodiment of positive energy, a beautiful pure mind who shall never fail you" and who inspite of her busy schedule, always has time to pass by the blogs of her friends.
Cynthia, as promised, here i am, to present you with this basket of flowers laid on a table. Let me celebrate your birthday with a wish 'may you live to be a hundred and may the last voice you hear be of your love'
The basket has roses and liles and few blossom flowers on a bed of rich moist chocolate cake and placed on a fondant table cloth of a table of madeira cake. I hope it brings you another feather of joy in the celebration of life !
I would also like to pass this small gift to you. The picture has flowers from my garden, crystal and stones from my living room with words of worth to live by. You may choose, when ever, to pass it on to someone, who you feel, is adding to the body of knowledge of the blogging world.
I had a surprise while in India, when my hubby designed a logo with a theme for my blog and e-mailed it to me in India. Three rings to represent the cakes and colours to represent where i come from with a sweet signature 'edible creativity'. I managed to upload it on my blog but could not get enough time to reply to each one of you. So now, here i am, ready to do some more expriments in sugarcraft, to learn more before the second year final MBA examinations in October.
I would also like you all to visit the blog of a very wonderful sugarpaste artist from Cape Town. Her blog site is http://sugarflorals.blogspot.com/ Her works are amazing and she inspires me a lot with her work. Incidentally when i wrote to her about my admiration for her, she humbly said that its me that inspired her to upload the blog. It makes me feel so happy to be part of happiness and joy and share and discover friends all over the world.
A few thoughtful words:
'Believe not only in yourself, but believe in your friends as well for it is in the eyes of your friends that you discover yourself.'
'True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.'