Monday, December 16, 2013

Four Layer Wedding Cake : Orchids

Now the year is almost coming to an end and I would like take this moment to thank all of you who have supported me, guided me and encouraged me to do better. Having made close to 250 wedding cakes, I have learned a lot on maturing the fruit cake, experimenting with alochol, brushes, making home made tools, planing and shaping the cakes, how to salvage the occasion by being patient and why to respect sugar that it deserves ! With every cake that i make, there is always new things to learn..this lifelong discovery of perfection amazes me and I humbly bow to God and his perfect ways of creation.
With work engagements, consultancy and studies, I have slowed down on making cakes as I often used to do in the past. Nevertheless, I still love sugarcraft and will post my works as and when I manage to do so. 
I wish you all a very happy ushering into 2014 ! 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Three Wedding Cakes: Roses

Sometimes, the request is for cakes in three tier and its an interesting work, the wedding theme for this couple was white and the colour that was given as a sample, of which I tried to make the roses..a very striking hue which I loved making.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Three Layer Wedding Cake : White Roses

The wedding theme for this couple is white...sheer white

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013