Sunday, May 27, 2012

Wedding Cakes: 4-Tier & 3-Tier : May 2012

Hi to everyone.This is my second post this year. My year-end break went over December to January to India, where nostalgia and merry-making with relatives and friends took me to different parts of India. Came back and got engrossed in University works and you know, time is never enough! Nevertheless, here am i with some posts to show that am still an active blogger and shall remain so. 
These wedding cakes were made for couples from Gaborone, whose wedding themes were purple and white. Both the cakes were fruit cakes.

Birthday Cakes - Heart and Purse: January - May 2012

These cakes were made for persons who wanted to express love for their dear ones on birthday occasions in Gaborone . The colour were as requested.