Saturday, August 14, 2010

Celebrating Three Years of Blogging: Floral Wedding Cake - 14 August 2010

Today on 14 August 2010, i celebrate by third year of blogging. I can still vividly rememeber how on 14, my first blog was born on celebrating sugarcraft edible creatitivity.Today when i look back, the journey still continues...sometimes i pause, caught up with other affairs of life but then the inspiration never much to learn for perfection ! I have acheived the 100th mark in cakes with 50 wedding cakes and other celebartion cakes and continue to realise ..there is so much to learn....i am still a student..each day heralds newer ideas, hopes and creativity.

I hope you all like this creation of mine made for a wonderful bride who wedding theme was blue and white.

I thank you all who have supported my journey and continue to encourage me with your words and thoughts and pick me up by turning back and lending me your hands.

Let me quote a recent article from Harvard Business Review by Christensen, who says 'I have concluded  that the metric by which God will assess my life isn't dollars but the individual people whose lives I've touched'

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Three - Tier Wedding Cake - Roses & Drapes

The bride wanted mutliple drapes with purple and white roses and this is what i made for her. The wedding theme was purple and white and  I placed the roses at the beginning and endings of the purple drapes. I hope i managed to give the desired visual  effect.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Three - Tier Floral Wedding Cake

The wedding cake was made for the bride whose wedding theme was pink and cream. Pink floral design was what she wanted for an visual appeal and this is what i did. I hope you all like my effort.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Three - Tier Wedding Cake & Roses

This three-tier wedding cake with a spiral effect of the roses was made for a bride whose wedding theme was white and pink. An interesting challenge was to take the cake to a farm near the river where the wedding was to take place. All 25 roses were taken in a separate box on a cotton bed and off I went on an bumpy road to the wedding place. Each rose was then attached to the cake to give the effect the bride had wished for. After completing it, i could only murmur 'whew'. I hope you all like it.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Floral Three-Tier Wedding Cake & Park Theme Birthday Cake

The wedding was a special request for royal icing work of floral desings on the middle layer of the cake. I loved and enjoyed making the cake.The wedding theme was blue and white. A request for a park theme birthday cake was also an interesting learning for me. The days have been busy and but i am really blessed with you - my blogger friends, who continue to inspire me. Have not managed to leave my blog trails your blog sites but I know i will. Please give me some time. Thanks for passing by and i hope you like them.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Traditional African Pots Wedding Cake

This wedding cake was made for a bride who loves african theme and it was great joy to do that. The wedding shade was orange so made the roses to match the pots. Made the quills and added feathers and  wheat stalk to give the touch. I hope it reflects the theme well. Recently have been little irregular in uploads and interaction with you lovely bloggers but i guess will soon catch up with your creations. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wedding Cakes - Basket of Flowers : Dedicated to Scott Clark Wooley

Hi friends, I could not manage to post these wedding cakes which i had made in January as i had gone to India during last week of the January till middle of February for academic and business ventures. Most of the time was spent in Delhi with a little dash off to Rajasthan to say 'hi' to a close friend and then some time at Bangalore and now i am back.
The Basket of Flowers Wedding Cake was what the bride was looking for and i made it in electric green shade to match the bridal theme. The other three-layer cake with a top of Basket of Orange Roses was again made to match the marriage theme.

I also want to share something that a learner in sugarcraft can feel happy about. Among several cake artists that adorn the world and from whom, i continue to draw inspirations, there is one artist, to who, i have dedicated my creations to. Scott Clark Wooley,( ), a great humble artist from whom i can understand what perfection means....a philosopher, a poet, a creator...the virtues are endless.
I cherish the note that he had sent me. Friends, all of you who are passionate about this art must surely meet him. He stays in New York and i envy all those who are in US, who can learn so much from him. Anytime i feel i need to understand some thing, he is there to help me out impromptu through e-mails. One day, i will surely meet him. I do hope you all like my new works.      

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Three - Tier Wedding Cake: Drape and Basket of Roses & Lilies

Happy Ushering into 2010 to all of you ! It is still  days of reunion, family get-together and joyous occassions of wedding bells and marriages in Botswana. Ths wedding cake cake was made for a couple, who wanted a basket of flowers, especially roses with a drape falling over the cakes. I hope you like it. Thank you all for new year greetings and wishes. May this year bring more joys to all of us.