Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wedding Cakes - Basket of Flowers : Dedicated to Scott Clark Wooley

Hi friends, I could not manage to post these wedding cakes which i had made in January as i had gone to India during last week of the January till middle of February for academic and business ventures. Most of the time was spent in Delhi with a little dash off to Rajasthan to say 'hi' to a close friend and then some time at Bangalore and now i am back.
The Basket of Flowers Wedding Cake was what the bride was looking for and i made it in electric green shade to match the bridal theme. The other three-layer cake with a top of Basket of Orange Roses was again made to match the marriage theme.

I also want to share something that a learner in sugarcraft can feel happy about. Among several cake artists that adorn the world and from whom, i continue to draw inspirations, there is one artist, to who, i have dedicated my creations to. Scott Clark Wooley,( http://www.cakesbydesign.cc/ ), a great humble artist from whom i can understand what perfection means....a philosopher, a poet, a creator...the virtues are endless.
I cherish the note that he had sent me. Friends, all of you who are passionate about this art must surely meet him. He stays in New York and i envy all those who are in US, who can learn so much from him. Anytime i feel i need to understand some thing, he is there to help me out impromptu through e-mails. One day, i will surely meet him. I do hope you all like my new works.