Sunday, November 23, 2008

Birthday Cakes: Different Shapes - November 2008

Hi friends, last few days had been quite busy at work and i was not able to post the few birthday cakes that i had made. It was interesting as i made few flowers and then laid them on cakes of different profiles. Last two cakes were done over a night, as they were to be taken to Gaborone.
Some of my blogger friends as Steph, Kitchen Flavours and Indranee have shared their awards with me, for which i feel humbled again. Thank you ! I will proudly display your gesture.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Three - Tier Wedding Cake: A Lily with Purple Roses - October 2008

Hi friends, after spending the entire month busy with examinations and the mind engulfed with concepts from leadership and organisational dynamics, strategic corporate finance, information mgmt, business research, business ethics, international business etc, it was such a sigh of relief when i finally wrote the last of my 6 papers of 2nd year MBA on 30 October. I yearn again to continue on my journey of sugarcraft.

This wedding cake was made for an Australian bride, who was getting married in Botswana. She had contacted me while in Australia and when she came to Botswana, we met, and i made this cake as per her specifications. She did not want an elaborate cake but a lower fruit cake and the top chocolate cake with a lily and few roses. I had made this cake and i hope you all like it, as well.

It also made me reinforce in what my hubby tells me : Make it simple - don't over do the details or it will become too "busy" for the eyes. Let it be fluid with no clutter effect. The client is not interested in what else you know but simply wants what he or she desires !
I have posted the birthday cakes (made during the examination period !!!) and Nature's wonder as separate posts. Thanks for visiting me again !

Birthday Cakes: Basket Ball Court & A Girl's Sandal

These birthdays cakes were made for my friend's children in very less time, during the time when i had some gap during the examination period !!! but promise is a promise, and i had given my word. Though not perfect, as i would have desired, but going through the process of making different types of cakes has enhanced my learning. I hope you will all appreciate my effort.

If winter comes, can spring be far behind !

Whilst preparing and busy during the examinations, i use to amble around in my small garden to appreciate the beauty of Nature. Its spring time in Botswana and here are some pictures taken, which shall continue to guide me in my journey of perfection in sugarcraft ! The pictures are of high resolution and can be zoomed to a much higher degree.
Its makes me remember from my ICSE panorama book poem:
"And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils." - By William Wordsworth