In one post, Gloria
http://www.canelakitchen.blogspot.com/ mentioned 25 April 2008 as her wedding anniversary date. So, here's to you, Gloria ...
a beautiful mind.., wishes for a very happy wedding anniversary ! May you both always keep shining in glory ! The butter cake was made by my friend, who bakes wonderful cakes and decorated by me.
Wishes to you at Santiago, Chile from me from Botswana, Africa !
I dedicate this simple, plain yet a beautiful heart cake to you !
The cake looks awesome. But in the pic' the red rose doesn't look bright when compared to white. Is it coz of too much flash.
hi priya
yes,the flash was bright,was taken in the evening in the room and because of the glass plate and white background,the roses' pictures did not come that well as i had envisaged.thank you so much for the observation,it will help me to improve more.
Beautiful decoration, the rose looks like a silk flower , beautiful creation. Wish a Happy wedding anniversary to the couple...
Hi, the cake is beautiful, as usual.. would like to ask you something. Here in Malaysia the weather is very hot. So for my cake, is it ok to just glaze the cake with apricot jam and then put on the fondant ? Coz I've tried putting a buttercream crumb coat first but the whole cake was melting and mushy after I put fondant on top of the icing coat. I've never use marzipan before. What is your suggestion ? I think Botswana has similar weather. Thank s very much.
Anamika Im so emotion and is honor to me you make a cake to us. Really never in all these years nobody made a wedding cake to me. Thanks many thanks Anamika, and say thanks to you friend too is beautiful !!!!God blessing you my friend!!! xxxx abig hug Gloria (and I love so the roses)!!!
Anamika I come back to take a copy of the cake to show my Mom that come today!! Many thanks again, really you emotion me and is so nice and beauty!!!! Gloria
dear cham
thank you for your words and passing by. i try !
dear min
thanks for passing by.
you are right..after glazing the cake with apricot jam, you can straight away use fondant.I do it this way. Glzae with apricot jam, apply a layering of marzipan,then apply the fondant. Two layers of fondant will give a good finsh while marzipan will keep the cake in good taste and prevent faster drying of its content.I hope it helps. Want to see more of your ventures, eh !
you are such a nice person and i feel honoured to know you and be your friend and make something for you. You never know,we will meet some day,its a small world and thanks for liking the cake and for such a big hug..its overwhelming !
Wow....beautiful cake....looks great! By the way there is a surprise for you on my blog.Check it out.
Wow....beautiful cake....looks great! By the way there is a surprise for you on my blog.Check it out.
I can't wait to see what my birthday cake will look like :)
Awwww....what a lovely creation. I admire your sense of creativity and never fail to come up with great ideas.
Hi Anamika,
Little surprise is waiting for u
dear home cooked thanks for passing by and i am honoured. thank you !
dear cynthia
you are such a sweet lady, i will try to make you happy dear..just tell me your date ..i know you are a cancerian..just like my son.
dear ling
thanks for passing .hey, you have tagged me... can you give some time for that...currenlty little busy with some MBA assignment works.
cham ..thanks and i am honoured...do give me some time, dear !
Hi Anami,
I wish best of luck 4 ur study. U can do it whenever u can and congrats in advance!
another lovely creation from you! Nice cake.
How thoughtful of you to make Gloria a Wedding Anniversary cake. I am sure she is overjoyed with this beautiful creation.
hi uma...thanks for passing by and for your words of appreciation. I loved your cake,it is innovative and all the best for the entry !
dear margaret
as is said....little joys of life gives immense pleasure and i was happy that i could make her smile and make them feel so special on that day !
wonderful cake
This cake looks so simple and elegant. I loved the flowers.
OMG! that looks divine Anu!! ok, so I'm celebrating my birthday this month, can I get a charming cake from you for this?:)(wink)
Thanks for your advice, I really appreciate it. Might try and make marzipan now.
Hi Anamika, what a beautiful cake. Happy anniversary to the lucky couple.
By the way you have been tagged but feel free not to participate if you don't want to.
very good blog, congratulations
regard from Catalonia Spain
thank you
Anamika - I peeked at this cake a little while ago but did not have time to comment. It is beautiful. My friend and I were just at the rose nursery, and she bought a deep velvety red hybrid tea rose, named "Chrysler Imperial!" Your cake is reminding me of that! Go here and see what I mean :)
your cake looks lovely!
dear carmen
thanks for passing by my blog and for your comment..i simply loved your swan cake.
dear pearl
thanks for passing by and leaving your comment. I passed by your blog and loved your caterpillar and seaweed works.
hi mansi
Thanks for your apprecaition.Hey, i can try ..let me know your birthday !
dear ivy
thanks you for your words of appreciation and also thinking of me for 6 Word Memoir Meme. As i have already described myself earlier, let me think about more of myself !
hi min
i hope i was of help to you. you are always welcome, you know !
dear lori lynn
hey,thank you so much ..yes i had a look at the link and i feel so honoured and happy that you think of me in that way and that my sugarcraft flower can be thought of in a rose nursery !
thank you and you have given me a good recipe to try - south west chicken.
Hello anamika!!!
I'm panettona...
I'm sorry for my imperfect english...but I really wanted to say that your cakes are extraordinary!!!
Lovely cake Anamika !!
Roses are awesome.. creative !!
This is an awesome cake Anamika!!
Rosie x
hi panettona
thank you for visting my site.I loved your blog and we could learn a lot from each other.
thank you !
thank you dear !
all your cakes are so elegant - it's such a skill!
Another beautiful creation
Hi, Anamika
I have tagged u for Top 10 Picture MeMe.. Do participate.. its fun :) !!
anamika, u r a magician when it comes to sugar craft:)
Been away for a while and missed out on your creations.
This one is as lovely as ever.
So beautiful!
Thank you for sharing such great information.
It has help me in finding out more detail about cake shop
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