Thursday, April 24, 2008

Heart of Roses Wedding Anniversary Cake:For A Blogger Friend: April 2008

In one post, Gloria mentioned 25 April 2008 as her wedding anniversary date. So, here's to you, Gloria ...a beautiful mind.., wishes for a very happy wedding anniversary ! May you both always keep shining in glory ! The butter cake was made by my friend, who bakes wonderful cakes and decorated by me.
Wishes to you at Santiago, Chile from me from Botswana, Africa !
I dedicate this simple, plain yet a beautiful heart cake to you !

Monday, April 14, 2008

Four-tier Wedding Cake: Fruit Cake: April 2008

This four-tier wedding cake was made for a Botswana couple, who wanted the drape woven cakes with roses on the top. I had started the process in March by first making the four cakes with marinated fruits and nuts in liqor and then letting them mature and ripen with time by brushing them at regular interval with brandy over a period of four weeks.

I must admit that in my pursuit for perfection, with some practice by now, i have been able to understand a little bit about measurements and the drapes with the cake size/height ratio came out satisfactorily, also courtesy due to creative critique from my hubby.To add few more words, my first critics and admirers are my hubby and my son.
The wedding bells were embossed on the cakes and the drapes were pinned with daisy sugar flowers.

I was tagged by Gloria of for a meme to describe six words about myself. Quite difficult proposition, eh but this is what i am:
@friendly @honest @compassionate @energetic @fun-loving @dedicated

I would like to add my new friend Tartasacher of, who visited my blog for the first time and gave me an honour which i have to maintain. Thank you, dear !