This cake was made using the sugarcraft, modelling, painting and icing techniques. It was my first experiment to make a wedding cake using an African Theme, as this is what was expected of me to do. The wedding couple from Botswana love the traditional wedding cake and I tried to use my imagination, after having lived here for 10 years. The masks, the quills, the woven pottery, the giraffe and zebra skins are an important theme and I tried to make them using fondant and marzipan, from what ever i know till now. Everything was edible.
You are a true artist! I am in awe of your ideas and expertise. Jeannette.
It is a very lovely picture perfect cake that you have made ! Amazingliy natural and very good work.
Your skill amazes me. Within the span of 6 days, you have posted three highly exquisite works worth looking at and keep it in the showcase.
Salt Lake City
oh my gosh..its so beautiful and so so real like..you dont feel like eating it. Are all the things edible ?????
kudos to you
Priya Tandon
Hi anamika
you must come to India and share the information concerning the sugarcraft.You really surprise me with your innovation !!
Paromita Chatterjee
Are you really in Botswana ??
You are very good and will go a long way , believe me.
Nancy Potgeiter
South Africa
Thank you Jeannette for your encouraging words. I will try to improve further and come up with more newer ideas. Do drop by the site, whenever you have time.
Thank you Margaret.
I really value your appreciations.
Hi Archana, Paromita and Priya
Thanks a lot for those words. Yes everything is edible. I will continue to experiment and work on newer designs. Thanks for passing by the blog site.
Hi Nancy
Thank you for your encouragement.
Hey Anamika! Absolutely stunning and gorgeous cakes !! Cant imagine the time and effort gone behind each one and your creativity is brilliant....I am so happy to receive a comment from such a professional like you :)
Keep up this absolutely brilliant work !
Thanks mishmash
i loved your blogsite ! Thanks for encouraging me..will try harder
Hi anamika
Amazing work again..too good !
Hi Anamika
As we say in Bengali 'daarun''bishun bhalo'.
I simply love your work.
Lovely work again !!
Amazingly real !
Hi Anamika
Loved your work again..reminded me of my trip to Africa.
Ohio , USA
Hi Anamika
A very wonderful depiction of the theme..good work of art.
Love visting your site.
South Africa
Good art work !
Loved your work again. Good experimental mind at work. Keep it up
Hi Anamika
You are good at imagination and wish you all the best for your future endeavours
Jane Du Toit
South Africa
Thank you to all of you for encouragement and appreciative words.It has suddenly given me renewed vigour and strength to do more and more !
Thanks to :
Niharika, Sagarika, Priti & Vasudha from India.
Cherry from USA
Macdacruz, Stewart & Jane Du Toit from South Africa and
Tracy from UK.
Hi Anamika!
My name is Shannon and I'm the editorial assistant at Foodbuzz.com. I see that you have joined Foodbuzz as a user and have posted great content! I am also very impressed with the quality of your blog posts. To that end, I’d like to invite you to be a part of our newly launched Foodbuzz Featured Publisher program. I would love to send you more details about the program, so if you are interested, please email me at Shannon@foodbuzz.com.
Shannon Eliot
Editorial Assistant, Foodbuzz.com
Dear Shannon
Thank you for your encouraging comment. It helps one to carry on with honest creative work and acknowledgement such as yours, makes me move further on the path of continual improvement.
Cheers !
Hi Anamika
First time at your blog.
Your cakes are truly magnificent. You are very creative. I have been thinking of taking a cake decorating class too.
Dear Spicelover
Thanks for the comment. Yes you should make cakes.It is easy and very fufilling.I am also a beginner and am slowly learning the 'how-to-make'. Its a path of continual improvement towards perfection.
Hi Anamika, the african theme is too good !
Hi anamika
..came to know of this site from a friend of mine. its a wonderful site and all your cakes appear very professional than mere of a beginner ;-)
Hi anamika
wonderful cake display. they are amazing..need to see some more of your creations !!
Beautiful Anamika! Great job!:))
Hey Anamika, your work amazes me! Very skillfully done and can imagine the time and effort to get each of your cakes in place! The African theme is simply exquisite!
Dear Asha and Jyothsna
Thank you. I will always look forward to your encouraging words in my future endeavours.It always helps one.
That is the most unique wedding cake I've ever seen--just beautiful!
thank you michelle. The word 'unique' makes me feel very happy and gives more enthusiasm to do explore and experiment further.
Wow they just look so beautiful. It must be a wonderful each time after you finish doing the cake and then to see how much pleasure you give to people by your art.
I would just sit and anjoy it, if i eath them i would feel so bad as they are just so artfully made
Thanks happy cook for your insight. My highest joy in craftwork for food would be to see the smile on your face after you have tasted it.It would mean..my cake was perfect. Isn't it said 'beauty lies within'. Art, not for art's sake.
Dear Onedia
The base layer of the cake was the fruit cake and the pot was made of vanilla cake. It was admired much for its ingenuity and sugarcraft work.People loved it and the wedding couple were very happy with the traditional design and art wrok. It made me very happy too, and thanks to person like you who give me encouragement and enthusiasm to do more !
So cool! YOu really can turn your hand to anything, can't you!
I love each and every creation of yours Anamika. This is my fav one so far. You have captured the essence so well. Glad to have discovered you.
Wow, you are so talented! Found your blog from Onedia's. Great blog.
Thanks Suganya
The end of 2007 heralds the beginning of newer friends, who can share and exchange the recipes and art.
Have happy holidays.
Thank you Moanna
for your comment and stopping by.
Have a wonderful new 2008.
HI, this is quite a nice piece. As is most of your overall work. Keep the good work.
Hi Yann Chef
Thank you for passing by the blog.
Words does help to do more and more to achieve perfection.
You have captured the spirit of Africa so perfectly with this cake.
Regards from South Africa
Absolutely brilliant! You are quite talented!
Every cake you make is your master piece!!!!!!!!!I love it....
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